Also, the laptop LIVES! Old Town Computers reinstalled our operating system and wiped 'er clean. Lost 3 months of data (mostly photos), but I am re-practicing my Buddhist impermanence tolerance on that one.
Person 1 says: What’s the most important part of comedy?
And Person 2 interrupts with: Timing.
I think that was on The Aristocrats.
More recently we’ve been recycling George’s Thoroughgood’s One Bourbon, One Scotch, and One Beer: "But I'm tired, I've been walkin' all day.” When I got home Tuesday night, Keith told me he got a divorce from the warehouse-- a pink slip and 2 weeks’ severance pay. Here’s hoping we don’t make it to the next verse: “Now next Friday come I didn't have the rent, And out the door I went.”
Unfortunately our landlord/apt. manager was not sympathetic to our situation and assured us that getting out of the lease early was not happening. Good try. So we’re still paying through mid-July and now only one of is employed and that one tenuously at best (a story for a different time perhaps, but it has to do with my undying paranoia of getting fired, I'm going to suggest I get diagnosed with Imposter Syndrome).
I’m still waiting on the Krauts* to pay me for a photo I sold them for a coffee table book about Mercedes. 100 Euros for lifetime permission to reproduce my photo. While I need the money and I’m gladly taking the money if it ever shows up in my bank account, I am also saying that $155 give-or-take is not really a fair amount to pay someone if you plan on selling their photo forEVER. But every little bit helps the ol’ bank account.
*I use “Kraut” in the The Big Lebowski vernacular-connotation, not in a derogatory sense for all of your Germans reading this. See: using snippets of movies to communicate.
Meanwhile my visits to my shrink are one of the non-essentials that will be sacrificed in this time of economic uncertainty. Also, I was thinking that for $200+/month I could be getting some pretty sweet ink. Not to say my doc isn’t worth it, but tattoos as therapy is an idea I’d like to explore. At least with a tattoo you have something concrete to show for it, externally, and not just a sense of being able to cope better in the world (important, but harder to display). What if you could get a tattoo and therapy at the same time?? I’m bringing this up to my doc on my next (and maybe last) visit. Maybe he’s interested in a dual career.
In other Things-I-Can’t-Control News: the laptop, elle est morte. Dead. Xs for eyes and all that. Like this toy raccoon. We got the Blue Screen of Death last week. Multiple re-rebootings, chants, incense burning rituals, and sacrifices did not help. I made a backup CD of Windows XP to try to reboot from the CD-drive with the hope it would be restored, magically. Nope. We’d finally gotten smart enough to buy an external hard drive so most of the pictures and music and random files were saved, but we lost everything from the past couple months. Depressing. Not as depressing as when IT DID THE EXACT SAME THING a couple years ago and we lost most of our Mexico photos. But still, not happy.
Overall, it’s been a strange week for Team Blankenship. But morale remains fairly steady due to the love of our 2 therapy dogs (pictured below) (with an increasingly voracious appetite for couch cushions, which does not help their standing in the pack I might add), various medications, and the blind optimism of knowing that in a few short months we’ll be in a place where this will seem trivial. It’s just dealing with it NOW that sucks. Mom and dad are thinking (Keith, too) that it might be most economical to leave here after I'm out of school even though we have to pay through July. So that's the consensus, but I want to see pencil to paper before I make any concrete commitments.