I was offered a job today. I interviewed
almost 2 weeks ago for a PT front desk/graphic designer/misc. position at the
local newspaper. I was starting to wonder if I hadn't been a little too cavalier about my prospects during the interview. I told him I wasn't really interested in working just for the sake of working, that I wanted a job that was challenging and fulfilling without being too stressful...and that I didn't really have any other ideas since the range of employment options here is
fairly limited. After an hour he told me it was a "good, strong interview" and that he'd call.
Well, my patience paid off. On the condition that I cover up my tattoos (long sleeve shirts, can do), I start in 3 weeks. It's Monday-Wednesday right now with special projects several times a year that will require more hours, but part-time is good for me. It will give me probably just enough money to feed us and maybe even enough to fund my side projects--selling things at the local markets. There's a
farmers market @ Long Camp on Saturdays and a people's market in
Kooskia (about 8 miles upriver) on Thursday afternoons. I bought a lot (noun, not adjective) of blank greeting cards/envelopes off ebay and I'll have some photos printed and spray mount them on the cards--see if I can sell them at either of these places. Free vendor space, that's hard to pass up. Low overhead. I also have a plethora of crafty-type plans bookmarked on the internet that I could use to make and sell things. Like
bean bag frogs! Not to mention veggies/herbs/berries once they start coming on. My grandma said tonight she heard of someone selling 5 gal. buckets of raspberries for $50 ea!! If it was up to Keith and I we'd be making this place into a raspberry farm.
So that makes shopping for new work clothes one of the things I have to accomplish fairly soon. There's a little thrift store here in town (operated by a church I think but I won't let stop me) and the other day we got a set of king-size sheets there for
$6. They were nice white clean, new-looking sheets and that seemed like a pretty good deal. When we got ready to throw them in the washer I saw they are Holiday Inn Express sheets. So I will check there first. If I don't find what I need there I will either bum a ride with my parents the next time they head to Lewiston (Dad's dr. appt in a couple weeks) or there is also The Appaloosa Express (
pdf), which is run by the Nez Perce tribe. (The
Appaloosa horse was developed by the Nez Perce; we're on the Nez Perce reservation.) It goes from
Kooskia to Lewiston (about 75 miles) and points in between for $2/day or $20/month. Cheap!!
Speaking of work, today Keith got in a half-day's work
for cash when the arborist's helper didn't show. We were just waking up in the tent when my dad yelled, "Keith, you wanna work today?" Hmm...tricky question. Depends? Keith said, Yes as long as he didn't have to climb up in any trees. Which he didn't.

weeping willow-- before