Two years ago we had no idea what kind of a dog she would be and very little idea of what kind of life she'd had (imagine being a puppy surviving a hurricane!), but we knew we could give her a ton of love and we thought the rest would work itself out.

Two years ago we lived in a tiny apartment in the city. We took her and Lazlo for multiple daily walks, to a triangle of grass under the freeway, to the courtyard and the football field of the neighborhood high school, to empty parking lots, to all corners of northwest Portland. As we watched how they would play together, we knew we had exponentially multiplied each dog's happiness with the existence of the other, and we promised them both that some day we'd live somewhere they could run free and be real dogs.

Two years ago we never imagined that this little spotted dog would add so much love to our family.
Two years ago we made a great impulsive decision and brought this girl home with us.
Awww, that's such a sweet story. I feel similarly about my two kitties. Congratulations on your happy little family!
That's a great story. Happy anniversary to all of you!
Such a sweet love story.
Such a sweet love story.
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