He's taking the bus to Missoula and I'll drive over there on Friday to pick him up, saving him a good six hours on the bus. Which, on a Greyhound, translates into much more than six hours, you know.
I haven't been to Msla since we moved after college, so I am excited to visit. It's my second favorite town and I have a lot of good memories of living there. A lot of people from Missoula graduate to Portland, and for good reason---it has a lot of the same vibe, only more western and less city. It's like the perfect combination of city and town, I think.
Keith proposed lunch at the Staggering Ox or Sa-Wa-Dee and I suggested hiking the M one more time, at which point he laughed his head off.
(when we hiked the M and came perilously close to dying)
I think a trip to the Goodwill is in order, too. Also, the Good Food Store, of course. Mostly I just want to go gawk and see what's changed since we left. Also, seeing some friends.In preparation for Keith coming home I decided to go clean the (abandoned) tiny house. It was a great sunny day outside. I opened the door on the house, cranked the music, and cleaned. It only took about 15 minutes, but it made a big difference. It's always nice to come home to a clean house. Especially now that the weather is getting better, we're going to start inhabiting it full-time.

My new shoes came in the mail Friday! Other than my winter boots, it's been YEARS since I've had brand new shoes. Small pleasures.

1 comment:
Sounds like you have a pretty full schedule (and I do, too), but it would be lovely to meet you for coffee or something if you have any extra time. No pressure, though.
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