Saturday was a hard day. I woke up in a funk and tried, unsuccessfully, to shake it all day. But when Keith got home from working down the road at the neighbors, we worked outside and that helped.
Today was better. We made a Project List and marked them off one by one.
#1: Hang up the key/mail holder we scored at a yard sale for ONE DOLLAR.

#2: Decide if we want the theater seats we a yard sale...(
3 for $5!!!!) inside the tiny house. The
only place they will fit is at the bottom of the bed, looking out the big plate glass window. We decided the 3 bolted together wouldn't fit comfortably. (I ask,
Is it going to be too crowded? Keith and I laugh---
Yes, it's a tiny house. It's always going to be crowded.) So we took them apart and put two there. If they stay, we'll make a drink holder that fits between them and probably eat our meals there. We've never really used a table anyhow--they always just ended up being a place we pile things.

We've always talked about having seats like this in our house (before we decided on a tiny house even) and we couldn't believe these were only $5. So we were compelled to buy them. We figured we'd put them somewhere. We're still trying to decide if this will really work before we bolt them to the floor, but I can picture us sitting in them, looking out the window, eating breakfast or dinner... Keith's still mulling it/them over.
#3: Bird feeder. I was looking at
decals on etsy for the bathroom window to prevent bird strikes. But Keith wasn't so hot on the idea and so we decided to build a bird feeder to hang outside and break up the reflection. We used materials we had on hand, including a glass chotchkie, some leftover cedar, and a license plate we scavenged at the dump a while back.

Also, notice the very nice gutter work Keith finished. We still have to build a platform for the rain barrels before we can hook them up, but we have buckets to catch rain to water our plants until that happens. Good thing the mosquitoes aren't out yet.
I transplanted more tomatoes into individual containers. I don't think they'll grow big enough, fast enough, to produce fruit, though... Next weekend I think we'll hit the farmers market and buy some larger tomato plants from the people who heat their greenhouses with propane over the winter.

The baby robins in the spruce tree outside our bedroom window (perfect viewing spot in the theater seats) are growing so big. There are FOUR of them in the tiny nest. It's just a matter of time before they start falling on the ground, trying to fly. I will feel compelled to try to rescue them, but I know that's probably not the best idea. I think we will just try to keep the cats away from them and hope for the best.
I love the touches of red with your mail holder and seats.
Those seats are fabulous, great find!
I'm totally jealous of those theater seats.
maybe these affirmations will help convince keith!
Your blog and your Flickr photo stream are fantastic! I adore the bird feeder and love that you both truly know the meaning of re-purpose, recycle and re-use! So cool!! And don't you know never to refer to anything as 'small'...especially your should be thought of from now on as 'charming' instead!
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