And, it vaguely resembles a human heart. The vine is the aorta.
Squint. And pretend the ventricles are enlarged.
See, that $3k in student loans for 3 semesters of A&P wasn't wasted after all.
Gearing up for the Idaho Co. Fair around here. I'm entering photos, Keith's entering a peach pie, and my mom might enter sourdough biscuits in the Dutch Oven competition.
After worrying about how to get my photos matted on such short notice ('cause I do
I seem to be picking up momentum in my photography efforts lately. With the gift of the film cameras, the sale of some of my photos, the dark room kit Keith found at a local thrift store... things are coming together in a way that gives me hope.
The 33rd annual Chief Lookingglass Powwow is this weekend. Last year's was eye-opening and fantastic. I'm looking forward to going earlier this year and getting better/more photos of the festivities.
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