Peep some of last weekend's wedding photos at my newly reorganized site,
aprilblankenship.com. It went fairly well. The church was dark, so I wasn't able to get good shots of the procession/recession with no flash, but I got some good altar shots and a friend of the family covered it, too. The hour after the ceremony set aside for photos went by in a flash. The next wedding is on the 3rd of July in an open field and I hope I don't spontaneously combust.
In Tiny House News: look who's getting a covered porch.

We finally came to an agreement (with the help of SketchUp) of how it should look (meaning Keith gave in) and Keith's making quick progress and it's very exciting.

It's so hot in our house by mid-day (like 90+°), now that summer is actually here.
Project #1 is covering the porch and doing slats like
this. (Well, but different.)
Project #2 will be insulating the roof (from inside). I wanted to maximize the space in the roof, with the beams showing, but a couple of inches of rigid insulation will help immensely (with heat and cold) and we'll still have the exposed rafter look.
Project #3 and
#4 is for Keith to build us a couple of these chairs our friend Mike has. Extremely comfortable and pretty easy to build (easy for me to say...). For our covered porch!

We made a mad-dash trip to Missoula today and saw tons of wildlife. Dozens of deer, a herd of elk, a chipmunk sitting on the center line eating a nut, 4 or 5 cranes, some tom turkeys. It's such a beautiful drive.
Mormon Peak. Just outside Lolo.

And coming down Lolo Pass on the way home:

There's a lot of
local hubbub about
Imperial Oil/ExxonMobil hauling
HUGE processing equipment over the pass and eventually into Canada this fall. (
Big, as in a truck pulling a 24-foot-high “module” that is 54 yards long, nearly 10 yards high, and weighs 220 tons—the equivalent of about 40 elephants. ) There's an "open house" hosted by Imperial Oil next week in Kooskia. In Kooskia, anything can happen! Might be entertaining. Interesting at the very least.
The mill where my mom used to work is
re-opening. Crazy timing with the restaurant closing and all. It wasn't planned, I swear. She's officially on the payroll starting Monday. It will have a new name and operate just the small log side, but it's back to work for about 60 people around here. Good news for the community. Good news for my mom. And us. We won't have to float the tiny house down the river after all.
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