Keith's gone to work in Billings for a few (6?) weeks, so the doggies are helping me be distracted. Otherwise my heart starts to break a little. We're not good apart, but this is temporary (I have to keep telling myself).
Part of my distraction plan is making sure the dogs get enough exercise. They're used to Keith being home most of the day and their routine is now all up to me. So we're going for walks each morning. Good for everyone.
I am working almost 5 days a week since we have a big project at work and that helps me stay distracted, too. It's the nights and weekends that are hardest.

Translation: We miss you, Keith!
It's 2012 now and how are we going to better and happier this year? Stop setting goals. Sounds strange, yes? It's more about opening yourself up to what you really want. "
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