In quotes because it's a joke between me at the "ad girl" at work. As in, we don't have any, spare time. Work is the busiest of the busiest right now and she's gone next week so I get to do both of our jobs. When you get used to working part-time, working 5 days a week is hard! I'll probably be putting in over 40 hours! The horror!! This morning I went in at 7a and wasn't able to take a break until I took my lunch at 2:45p. Ugh. Good thing I had coffee and
Donettes to push me through!
My sister brought her new puppy down to visit last weekend. A chocolate lab named Cliff.

He's not cute at all. Nor does he smell good. Nor did I try to kidnap him when she wasn't looking.
Lazlo was uberjealous and snuggled up against Keith and I all that night.
More film experiments/trials developed @ Costco. I'm not willing to shell out the bucks for a good lab while I'm still learning. So I'm fairly happy with these. Still daydreaming about the
mobile darkroom (and Keith is dreaming about the camper in general - so happy to show it to my sister this weekend).

Keith is still busy (intermittently) working on the interior of the tiny house. Currently putting up tin in the kitchen. All of the windows are cased and trimmed out and it's a much nicer place to put Things.
Red soldier is on perpetual lookout.
We have wire, hooks, and
ferrules to complete the bookshelf supports in the bedroom. Sorta like a Golden Gate Bridge project. The shelves are already pretty sturdy, though, so I cleaned off my nightstand of the books I own and haven't been reading lately since I've been keeping stocked with reading material from the library to see just how much weight they could hold. And the answer is: at least 3 books worth.

Infinite Jest
Sometimes a Great Notion
The Essential Rumi
Good Post..!
Cute puppy
ha ha! cliff! what a funny name.
puppies are just terrible, aren't they. why anyone thinks they're cute (or smell nice) is beyond me.
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