Plus Keith doesn't like to stop every half-mile.
I did make Keith stop a couple of times - for this Shell station in Craigmont (and also the Fire Department there).

I also found a wire rack for records and now the record player has its very own table (instead of taking up valuable counter space like it did all summer) and the records are just below it. It's a great feeling to just open it up and spin a record and rock out.
A couple changes we made over the weekend really changed how our house feels, it's efficiency and spatial energy - one is moving the record player to a dedicated space - and that table was formerly my bedside table.
But my new bedside table is even better! Keith had picked an old Singer sewing machine base from somewhere over the past year or two and it was sitting way back in the car shed collecting dust. I wiped it down and gave it a coat or bright red paint, we put the (warped and therefore not useful) cutting board that used to fit over the sink and made that the top. Much more room for books, etc.!
My old clock radio (10+ years old, likely) was on its last leg due to age and repeated drops to the floor, so I was in the market for an old-timey alarm clock when we thrifting and found this beauty for $2! There's no radio, just a clock and alarm that sounds like this. There is a snooze button but you don't want to hear that alarm more than once.
We're cooking ALL of our meals at our house now, which is awesome. If not dark and a little chilly. But we're fuerte!
Brown is loving squirrel season. Or hating it, I can't tell.
Okay, time for a composting toilet update.
Keith and I agreed we should take turns dumping the toilet. And although he was very chivalrous and offered to take my turn last week, I told him we should stick to the original agreement. Surprisingly, it wasn't that bad. I was wearing gloves obviously and breathing through my mouth (just in case) and it went fine.
It's not my favorite thing to do, but it wasn't scary or even all that gross (no grosser than changing a baby's diaper and I luckily will never do that) and I think next time it will go even better since I will know what to expect. After turning the bucket upside down into the compost pile, I used dry sawdust to scrub/wipe out the inside of the bucket (which really came pretty clean when I dumped it). Then cover everything with the cherry tree leaves, put some dry sawdust in the bottom of the bucket and start all over again. I will only have to empty it about every 20 days or so anyway, which I can totally handle.
And to end on a nicer note, here's a shot of the view from the toilet. The window is coated in some kind of material so people can't see in even when the leaves drop off the trees. And I just noticed we can see our compost pile from the toilet! The flooring is all in and now the bathroom looks like this.
Beautiful home.. wonderful land.. incredible people
Love love LOVE your tiny - yet spacious bathroom.
Composting toilets are no worse than cat boxes, and that sawdust just kills the odor, doesn't it?
This is the nicest Tiny Restroom we've ever seen.
That stove/oven combination is amazing - I need one desperately for my off-grid house (I really miss baking) can you tell me where you found it and approximate cost.
Thanks for the comments, everyone!
Donna, yes it's just a sawdust smell, unless we throw a few food scraps in there (banana peels work great, onions not so much - for smell anyway).
Yomba, it's from Camp Chef. We got this one when it was on sale at Costco for $170. The oven part takes some getting used to, knowing how to control the heat, but it works great.
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