Sunday, May 2, 2010

At the beginning of my 32nd year...

I'm so grateful to have Keith in my life, as my husband and eternal backer-upper. He's incredibly supportive and thoughtful and makes me laugh like no one else can. All the cliches about you don't think you could love someone anymore than you already do. Then 10 years later you look back and realize it happened. Is still happening.

I'm happy at work (well, most days). I like having a part-time job and the freedom it gives me to work on other things.

I'm proud of our house, even though sometimes it feels like the never-ending project. I guess that's what houses are anyway.

I'm proud of myself for sticking with the plan to take up running to get in shape. Admittedly, it sounded a little hare-brained at first, especially since I am great at starting things and horrible at finishing them. But I've actually been doing it. I was thinking of skipping today in celebration of my birthday, but I think I will suck it up and be a big girl.

I'm loving our dogs. Even when they crowd the bed and fart. They're unconditionally loving, hilariously retarded, and really spoiled.

I'm excited to keep climbing up the learning curve of film (and SLR in general) photography. I'm currently searching for a good quality (Nikon, Canon) used film camera I can afford. These things haven't quite come together in the Venn diagram I was hoping for, but I am optimistic I'll find something I will be happy with.

I'm thankful for a loving, supportive family that puts family first.

So overall, as I am turning 31, I have a good life. And I appreciate it every day.


Chris said...

Yay for being happy on birthdays! Here's to 31 more.

evangeline said...

And I appreciate you!!!!

knitty_kat said...

Happy Belated Birthday!

Patia said...

Happy birthday and congratulations on all your dreams come true.