Saturday, July 11, 2009

The least pretentious town ever

There's a Flickr pool called This is America.
Stites is pretty much the poster child for that group.
It's about as "rural America" as it gets.
Pop. 266 at the 2000 census.

listening to the national anthem (the first time)
That bar is for sale!
If you have a spare $155k laying around.

That light blue building behind the mule is the fire station/city hall.

This is probably the most exciting part of the parade.

Alice and Friends

So Stites Days was interesting...
The parade was 12 minutes long.
It was delayed because law enforcement was late getting there to block traffic on the highway (which is also Main Street).
The national anthem was sung twice because the first time around the color guard wasn't there. No flag = it didn't happen.
I got pelted with candy by a state senator.
We didn't stay for the BBQ in the park.
A little busier than when we were there in March when Keith went with me on a photo safari.

want a pepper

abandoned / storage

Apparently I'm supposed to get up early and weed the garden (it was so muggy today!) while Keith goes to work mowing the city cemetery.

And my parents picked up the solar lights we saw at Costco last week, so hopefully we'll get those going soon!

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