We went from this (times several)

I helped clean the grapes, but mom did all the work of making the juice (1/2 c. of sugar + 1 c. grapes + boiling water in a jar + water bath canner = grape juice?!) and ended up with SEVENTY quarts. Holy grape juice, Batman. And that was just from a fruit box and the canner full---our cousins took 4 or 5 times that much! Just think of all the wine we could have. I imagine that's a little more labor intensive.
While mom and I were making juice, Keith and dad were readying the walkway off the back patio for new concrete next week (when we have the concrete delivered for the Tiny House, mom and dad will get a new walkway).

But, first there were some last minute calculations made on the floor of the garage.

look at those baby blues!
Click on it for a larger size.)

Notice the textbook in Keith's lap.

Keith's been calculating, re-calculating, and re-re-calculating and it's finally underway! VERY exciting! So he'll rent an auger and drill the holes this week, we'll get the concrete delivered, hopefully, on Thursday or Friday, and then we can start building. The windows should be here early this week.
It's finally happening.
Congrats on the ground-breaking! How fun.
When I was growing up, my parents made wine from our grapevines. I remember the plastic-lined trash cans sitting in a corner of the kitchen for a few months .... One year it fermented too long and my parents gave away red wine vinegar for Christmas presents.
i'm checking that out---winemaking--for next year!
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