Sunday, July 6, 2008

Live blogging druuuuunk

Keith made strawberry daquriries.....I have not been drunk in so long. so excuse the typos.
Keith warns me: "Don't spill that on your laptop.... Dont' throw up;"

I made a horsey tonight. He was supposed to be a zebra but I made him a horse instead.
He's a mongoloid.
"My name is Trigger."

We had a really good weekend. With Uncle Jack and Aunt Elaine.
Uncle Jack tells Dad a dirty joke.

This is the part where I have one eye closed and use Backspace A LOT.

Ophelia was helping me with my horsey;

And the daquiris didn't hurt.

1 comment:

Chris said...

The woman in the first picture looking away clearly doesn't approve of your antics. You should be ashamed.